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Unwated ScaPE and Metal September 6, 2009

Posted by projectabsurd in Front Yard.

We found the following sign when we were driving around working on another Project Absurd post. This sign was propped against a utility pole in front of someone’s house:


The writer (or should I say “spray-painter”), concerned with the overall “look” and “readability” of this sign, was obviously concerned that the word “take” would not fit on line 1 and proceeded to change his mind and put this word on line 2. However, things just got worse from there. After painting “all” to look like “911” and getting as far as the “w” in “unwanted”, the writer apparently realized – oh, horrors- “unwanted” might not fit! Being generous, one could assume they attempted to remedy this problem by removing the space-hogging letter “n” from the word. We all know this is not really why “n” is missing. Either way, sadly, this just was not enough, and being written in paint, it was now too late: “unwated” travels down the board all blurred and offensive to the eyes. Moving on to the next line, the “unwated” item they are willing to take is “scaPE.” Ignoring the capitalization inconsistencies, what on Earth is “scape” and why would someone being willing to take your unwanted one(s)? I believe this is probably a gross misspelling of the word “scrap.” My brain hurts. For reasons unknown, the artist decided to switch from a blue to a red medium at this point and this color must have been luckier, for they finished the sign with a minimum of fuss. Anyone else tired? -K


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